Species that rely on mangroves.

Due to mangroves being an inter-tidal species, many other species rely on them for survival. Due to their numbers dropping so low in the last decade there are over 30 endangered species directly related to mangroves. From vegetation to fish to mammals, mangroves still find a way to be hugely influential in their lives. Some aquatic life that rely on mangroves are manatees, fish, sting rays, sharks, and many other species. Due to the mangroves spider like roots, many small fish spend the entirety of their youth hiding in mangrove roots until they are big enough to go out into open water. Manatees main diet is sea grass, or sea weed that relies on the nutrients that mangroves release through their roots. Some mammals that rely on the mangroves are Tigers, monkeys, mice, wild cats, and other countless birds. Things like monkeys and mice all rely heavily on mangroves for a habitat. Due to their habitat heavily declining, so are the things that live there. Things like tigers and sharks also die when the prey they feed on do.  download birds TIGERTAIL-SEAHORSE-1

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