About Mangroves

Although once thought of as useless wastelands, careful study and research has revealed that mangroves are among the most important ecosystems on this planet. Valued for anchoring coastal ecosystems as well as providing economic and ecosystem services to humans, mangrove forests are true treasures. The complexities of these systems are enormous, and there is still much to learn. Mangrove forests are highly interconnected within the ecosystem itself, but they also make up a transitional zone between land and ocean, connecting and supporting both. It is no surprise that mangroves are called “roots of the sea.” Some interesting facts about mangroves are their complex forests are found between the latitudes of 32º N and 38º S, along the tropical and subtropical coasts of Africa, Australia, Asia, and the Americas. They are the only vegetation to give live birth. Also because they dwell in inter tidaldownload zones they are salt water tolerant and filter it out through their leaves.

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